FAQs - Georgian Airways

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Frequently Asked Questions:

If you didn’t get a confirmation from the booking site you booked with don’t try to book again – you could end up with two bookings – it’s always best to speak to the booking site first. In some cases, it may take up to 24 hours for the booking site to send the booking confirmation. Also, please check out below tips. Check your email carefully and make sure if you already receive the booking confirmation. Check your spam folder to make sure if the booking confirmation had been filtered into the spam folder. Check your bank statement as the travel agent or airline name may appear next to any outgoing payment or charge.
To change or cancel your booking, we recommend you to contact the booking site directly. In case you don’t know the name of the booking site, you can check the booking confirmation email that you received or your bank statement as the travel agent or airline name may appear next to any outgoing payment or charge.
Sometimes when you book with a travel agent or airline, an error might occur and results in blocking the amount on your credit card without confirming your booking. We recommend you to follow below steps: Check your spam folder to make sure if the booking confirmation has not been filtered into the spam folder. Contact the booking site to confirm the status of your booking or when your money will be unblocked. Contact your bank to check if they can speed up the process on their end and to find out when the amount would be released.
Cancellations might happen due to one of the below reasons: When an airline decides to cancel the flight or route as it can’t operate the flight for a certain reason or it wants to use the aircraft to go somewhere else they deemed more important. When an airline is unable to fulfill the ticket at the advertised price. The flight is overbooked Payment failure We recommend you to contact the booking site or the airline directly in case you don’t know the name of the booking site, you can check the booking confirmation email that you received from the company or you can check your bank statement to know which company debited the money.

In order to get the cheapest price and the best deal for you, we recommend you to use our flight and hotel search tool and set your preferred dates along with destinations and number of passengers and choose the best deal for you.